Our model of support is fundamentally based on positive regard for the children and young people we support.
Whilst we emphasise personal growth, we firmly believe that all of our work must be underpinned by genuine acceptance of their personalities, wishes and feelings, backgrounds and stages of development.
The children and young people we support may have been affected by difficult experiences. Due to trauma or neglect, their ability to form successful relationships can be impaired; they often fundamentally distrust people taking on the role of guiding them. We use specific approaches to provide an environment in which the children feel safe, and where they can develop trust and confidence.

Building trust through acceptance
Whilst safety and stability are supported through a consistent and fair approach, we focus on understanding the individual and using non-judgemental, respectful, interactions. Some may not be used to this caring approach, initially responding with resistance. Therefore, we provide a nurturing and predictable environment, gently offering an experience of trust and belonging.

Unlocking potential
Lack of self-belief is a likely characteristic of some of the children and young we support. Unlocking hidden interests can open the small window of opportunity needed to gradually nurture aspirations and confidence in their own capabilities.

Towards a successful future
Learning about responsibility and consideration for others is important. However, to help develop the self-esteem and skills needed for a successful future, we balance these outcomes with our overriding aim to nurture growth in a harmonious environment.